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The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced Page 4

  “If they call I always meet them.”

  “That’s not the point, Anna,” Devin snarled. “The point is that pleasing me is to be your primary objective. Not pleasing a boyfriend. And you spend so much time with him, I’m beginning to feel as if you’d rather be with him than me.”

  Anna didn’t respond; Devin had hit on the truth. What could she say in response?

  “Would you rather be with him than me?” Devin asked in a cold voice.

  Anna didn’t answer right away. She couldn’t lie. But if she told the truth, he would be very angry. He would probably punish her. “I-I want to please you, Master.”

  “That’s not what I asked, Anna.”

  Anna swallowed and looked up at him. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yes, what?”

  Anna closed her eyes and winced. “Yes, I’d rather be with him than you.”

  Devin’s eyes flashed with rage and he slapped her across the face. “You little bitch! You leave me with no choice.”

  Anna fell to her hip and held her cheek. Devin stood and pulled her up by her hair to stand with him. He turned her around to face away from him and there was movement in the shadows across the room. A moment later, Ben stepped into the light with Ian behind him. He was unkempt and in a wrinkled dark suit. He looked like he hadn’t slept and there were bruises on his cheeks.

  “Ben!” she cried out and tried to go to him, but Devin held her back. She struggled against him, but couldn’t free herself.

  “Anna,” Ben whispered, reaching for her.

  “He didn’t abandon you, Anna. He’s been here since Friday night. He’s been watching all sorts of videos. Watching you please man after man after man. And he just got to watch you suck my cock live.”

  Tears fell down her cheeks as she stared at Ben. “Please, Devin,” she sobbed, struggling against him. “Let me go.”

  “Anna, I will not allow anyone to come between us. You’re too valuable to me to allow that to happen. So if you really mean that you’d rather be with him than me…,” Devin nodded and Ian stepped right behind Ben and put his hand on Ben’s shoulder. “…then I have no choice but to eliminate the distraction once and for all.”

  Time slowed as Anna and Ben stared at each other. Anna saw Ian lift his hand. He was holding something. A syringe.

  “NO!” Anna screamed as Ian jammed the syringe into Ben’s neck. “NO!” Anna wrenched herself free from Devin and ran to Ben, catching him as he began to fall to the ground. “Ben! No, please!” She lowered him to the ground as his eyes filled with pain.

  His body convulsed and he stared at her intently.

  “No, Ben. Oh, God. Please, no.” She brushed his hair back and kissed him, cradling his cheek. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Anna,” he whispered. She could barely hear him. “…love…you…” His voice trailed off and his eyes fluttered closed as his body gave one last shudder and then relaxed.

  “Ben?” she whispered, desperation filling her heart. “Ben, please wake up.” He had to be sleeping. Yes. Ian wouldn’t have killed him. She looked up at Ian who stood over her, face impassive.

  Anna’s stomach felt like a stone as the truth settled into her heart: Ian had killed the man she loved. Anna looked back down at Ben’s handsome face, tears filling her eyes. She collapsed onto Ben’s chest and sobbed, crying out his name and clinging to him. “Nooooo!” she wailed. “Ben, come back to me. Please. I need you.”

  She heard a soft thump on the floor next to her and looked up through tear-filled eyes to see a square jewelry box lying on its side next to her. She stared at it.

  “You might be interested to know what was in his pocket when we took him.” Devin’s cold voice drifted down from above.

  With shaking hands, Anna reached for the gray box and opened it. Inside was a diamond solitaire ring; an engagement ring. She stared at it for a long moment and then something snapped inside her. She clenched her jaw and grasped the box tightly in her hand. An unfamiliar sensation bubbled up inside her and she began to shake.

  She kissed Ben’s still-warm lips and stood, almost calmly in contrast to the boiling heat inside her. She put the ring box in her pocket and her eyes flicked up, first looking at Ian and then Devin.

  Without realizing what she was doing, Anna lunged at Devin, kicking and hitting him wherever she could make contact. She got a couple of good hits in before Ian pulled her off and held her back against his chest. A shriek escaped from her throat as she struggled against Ian, hate lending her strength she didn’t know she had.

  “I hate you!” she screeched at Devin, her voice cracking with emotion. “I hate you and I’ll never forgive you for this.”

  Devin calmly dabbed at his mouth and arched a brow as he looked at the blood on his finger. His hair was mussed and his lip was bleeding. “I don’t need your forgiveness, Anna. I need your obedience. Which I will have,” he added with a dark voice. He smiled and looked at Ian. “Take her to my room, then get rid of the body. Mr. Durham here is going to have had an accident off the bridge.” He gave a mock gasp and then grinned wickedly. “The same bridge your parents died on. Fitting, don’t you think?”

  Anna struggled again to get free. “You fucking bastard,” she screamed. “I hate you!”

  Devin shrugged. “Take her, Ian.”

  She fought against Ian as he tried to lead her out of the room. When she wouldn’t cooperate, he simply picked her up and put her over his shoulder. She stared at Ben’s body as she was carried out of the room.

  Anna kicked and screamed the whole way to Devin’s room. Her screams echoed through the Manor and more than one door opened and heads appeared, looking to see what was going on.

  When Ian arrived at Devin’s room, he closed the door and put Anna down on her feet. She glared at him, chest heaving and hands balled into fists.

  “Anna, please don’t—” he began.

  Anna reached up and slapped him across the face. He didn’t even wince. “Don’t you dare, Ian.” Her eyes narrowed. “I thought you were my friend,” she spat.

  “Anna, I told you before. I have to obey Devin as you do. I couldn’t not do it.”

  “I hate you!” she screamed. “I never want to see you again.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” he said in a stern voice.

  She lunged at him, but he grabbed her hands and held them over her head before she could hit him. She kicked at him, but he didn’t flinch when she made contact with his shins. He calmly held her away from him, allowing her rage to work itself out. Finally, she collapsed in exhaustion, dangling from his hold. Ian picked her up and carried her to the bed, gently placing her on the dark green bedspread.

  “I’m sorry, Anna. I am truly sorry,” he said in a soft voice, brushing her hair out of her face with a gentle hand. “But you know Devin as well as I do. Could you have done any different?” He gave her a sad look before walking away, closing the door firmly behind him.

  Anna stared at the wall across the room as tears fell silently down her cheeks. A painful void took the place of her heart in her chest as she thought about what had just happened. But Ben had forgiven her, which brought a weak smile to her face. She rolled to her side, curled up into a ball and pulled the jewelry box out of her pocket. She hugged it to her chest. He had planned to ask her to marry him. He still loved her!

  The thought was both exhilarating and heartbreaking.

  Chapter Eight

  Devin opened the door to his bedroom a few minutes later and walked inside. Anna lay on the bed facing away from him. Her earlier rage had been an interesting sight. And somewhat painful. He touched his slightly swollen lip, smiling at the memory of Anna’s outburst.

  “Feeling better?” he asked, stopping next to her. He petted her hair and Anna smacked his hand away.

  “Don't touch me,” she growled.

  Devin chuckled. “I haven’t seen this side of you, Anna. It’s intriguing.”

  She flipped over and started to kick him, but
he grabbed her ankle before it made contact and he held it tight. “Don’t you dare,” he growled. He twisted her leg until she whimpered. “I will break your leg and you will not finish your performances.”

  Anna glared at him and he stared back at her. She trembled for a long moment, then went limp.

  “Good decision, Baby.” He stepped away. “Why don’t you undress for me?”


  Devin unzipped her jeans and pulled them roughly off, and did the same with her sweater and underwear. Then he undressed and got on the bed to lie on top of her. She lay unmoving on her back, staring at the ceiling, as he kissed her neck and played with her breasts. “Come now, Anna. You’re still alive. You should enjoy that fact.”

  Anna turned her head to the side. Devin bent down and bit her neck, making her cry out loudly. “Ah, you are alive. I was beginning to wonder.”

  She didn’t respond and continued to stare at the wall.

  Devin frowned and pushed her legs apart. If he guessed correctly, she wouldn’t have had sex since before she and Ben broke up, which was Wednesday. Oh, she would be tight and very enjoyable. He positioned himself against her slit then rammed himself inside her channel, relishing in her squeal and hot tightness. She was wet in spite of herself.

  “C’mon Anna,” he whispered seductively as he moved inside of her the way he knew she liked. “I can tell it’s been a while. You needed a cock badly, didn’t you?”

  Anna closed her eyes tightly, but her lips parted. She didn’t want to enjoy it, but she couldn’t stop her body from responding.

  “God, you feel good,” he moaned as he thrust in and out. Her pussy felt incredible.

  He felt her clench around him and knew her body was winning over her mind. Good. He continued moving, listening to her reluctant moans and watching her fight against desire. She squirmed beneath him. She was close. Should he give her release?

  “You may not come, Anna. I forbid it.”

  She groaned and her face scrunched up in pain. He smiled and thrust hard as he climaxed against her clenching muscles. He pulled out and watched her tremble. Not letting her come was cruel, but she had hit him and deserved it.

  Devin grinned and dressed as he watched her continue to struggle against her own body. “I will know it if you give yourself release,” he reminded her, just in case she thought she could test that rule, too.

  He left the room and went to find Ian.


  Anna couldn’t stop shaking. She hadn’t had sex in five days and was feeling it. Devin had gotten her so close and then denied her. The only good thing about the situation was that the ache for release was currently stronger than her aching heart.

  She thrashed on the bed and didn’t hear Devin return a few minutes later. When she felt herself being tied to the bed, she opened her eyes and saw Ian and Devin working around her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in a raspy voice, almost past the point of caring that her questions might test Devin’s patience.

  “Preparing you.”

  “For what?”

  Devin grinned. “Oh, I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

  Anna watched him in fright as he tightened the bindings and then produced a syringe.

  “Don’t worry. This is very different stuff than we gave your darling Ben.” He grinned as he poked through her skin and released what felt like fire into her veins. It spread quickly and soon she was screaming in pain. Everywhere hurt, but especially in her lower abdomen.

  “What are you doing to me?” she gasped, tears in her eyes.

  “Making you even more useful to me.”

  The fire in her body continued for what felt like hours. She struggled and thrashed, praying for relief, but none came.

  Suddenly a bright light filled the room, and Kaveh appeared in front of her.

  Devin turned and greeted him. “She’s almost ready.”

  Kaveh turned his golden eyes to hers. “Good. I’ve been looking forward to this.” He looked back at Devin. “You’ve been with her already?”

  Devin nodded.

  “Good.” Kaveh walked to Anna’s side and began caressing her, turning the fire into arousal. Her skin was sensitive and his touch felt incredible. She moaned as he caressed her breasts, rolling her nipples into hardened peaks.

  He leaned down and kissed the bottom curve of her breasts, then flicked his tongue over her sensitive nipples. “You are beautiful, Daughter,” he murmured against her breasts. He stood and undressed, his long, hard cock made Anna’s pussy clench with desire. She licked her lips as she stared at him.

  Kaveh chuckled. “You want a taste, Daughter?”

  Anna nodded, wide eyed.

  Kaveh made a motion with his hands and Anna felt her bindings loosen. The leather cuffs were still in place, but the ropes were gone.

  She scrambled onto her knees on the bed as Kaveh lay next to her and eagerly took his cock into her mouth. There was no way she was getting it all into her mouth, but took in as much as she could. His pre-cum was sweet and he throbbed against her tongue. Kaveh pressed his fingers against her pussy as she sucked on his cock.

  He groaned as she tugged on his balls. “Gentle, Daughter. They are full for you.”

  Anna didn’t understand what he meant by that, but was gentle nonetheless. They were heavy and filled her with even more desire for him. She leaned down and sucked a testicle gently into her mouth, causing him to groan.

  She felt him prodding at her pussy, pulling in a painful but erotic manner. He pinched her clit, making her jump and then moan. He probed at her hips and belly and then back at her pussy.

  Abruptly, he turned her around and flipped her onto her stomach, spreading her legs with his knee and pressing his cock against her wet entrance. “It may hurt, Daughter, but there is no other way.”

  Anna was about to ask what would hurt when he pressed himself forward and entered her, causing her to gasp and writhe beneath him. She moaned as he continued to press forward. She felt him at her cervix and winced. He moved around in a circular motion and continued moving forward.

  She groaned in pain tried to pull away, but he held her shoulders and pushed against her. She felt something give way and her stomach cramped and she whimpered. “No,” she groaned. “Please. It hurts.”

  “That’s because I’ve entered your womb, Daughter. It’s where I need to be.”

  She tried to move away again, wiggling as best she could, but he held her hands behind her back, holding her in place. Her whimpers and groans grew louder as her stomach continued to cramp and the pain increased.

  “Just relax and it won’t hurt as much,” the Immortal said in a mild voice. He moved gently, pressing his hips against her. She felt the pressure against her clit and upper channel and moaned. “That’s it. Feel the pleasure. Concentrate on that.” He continued to move, but only slightly as if he didn’t want to lose his position inside her.

  Anna cried out as her pussy began to spasm around him and then she stiffened suddenly. The orgasm had been such a slow build, it didn’t register in her mind until she was in the middle of it. It consumed her whole body and she arched her back and screamed. He pumped his hips against hers and she felt him throb inside her. He let out a roar and rammed himself into her body, even deeper than he had been.

  Her eyes closed and she felt like she was floating into his body. She could feel his seed pouring into her body. Her pussy convulsed around him, milking him until she had received every drop from his body, then, exhausted, a deep blackness consumed her.


  Devin watched eagerly as Kaveh examined Anna. “Did it work? Is she pregnant?”

  Kaveh gave him an exasperated look. “It doesn’t happen immediately. It can take up to a day to conceive. She’ll wake when it’s done.”

  “But she will conceive?”

  “There is a very good chance. Nothing is guaranteed, but if you made the serum correctly, she should.”

  “Of course I made it co
rrectly,” Devin scoffed. “I’m not an idiot.”

  Kaveh glared at him. “I may allow you to appear to control me in public, but you would do well to remember that I could crush you in one of your measly little heartbeats.”

  Devin clenched his jaw, but kept silent. He didn’t like being dependent on Kaveh, but he had no other choice. He couldn’t do this without the Immortal’s help.

  A knock sounded at the door and Ian entered. He glanced at Kaveh then at Devin. “It’s your wife, Devin. She’s in labor.”

  Devin raised his brow. He’d had Sandy here for the last week, waiting for her to go into labor and it had finally happened. Now the real fun of fucking with her mind could begin.

  “I’ll go check on Sandy. Ian, come get me if I’m not back before Anna wakes.”

  Ian nodded and Devin left the room.


  Anna slowly opened her eyes. The room was quiet, but it wasn’t her room. Where was she?

  Devin’s room. At the Manor. She sat up and looked around. Ian sat in a nearby chair, snoring softly. Memories of the previous evening came rushing back like a tidal wave. Ben! Tears burned her eyes as pain filled her heart again.

  She looked around for her jeans and saw them on the floor. She picked them up and sat back on the bed, pulling the ring box out of the pocket. She didn’t open it, but held it tightly in her hands and stared at it.

  “I’m sorry, Anna. I really am.”

  Anna looked up and saw Ian watching her. “What do you care?” she asked coldly.

  Ian grimaced. “I’ll let Devin know you’re awake.” He stood and walked stiffly out of the room.

  Anna continued to stare at the ring box, only dimly aware when Devin walked back into the room with someone else entering behind him.

  “Anna, Baby. I’m glad you’re awake. I was getting worried.” Devin walked to her and embraced her. She pulled away and glowered at him. “All right. Kaveh wants to take a look at you and then Ian will take you back to your car.”

  “Please lie down, Daughter.”

  Kaveh stood on the other side of the bed and Anna did as he asked. He put his hand on her head and then stomach. Anna vaguely remembered having sex with him the previous night, but not much else.